Haih ITS OKAY THATS LOVE yang buat aku segar time org nyenyak

KDRAMA yang buatkan aku tidak tidur malam  . Serious !!! . Tangan ni asyik gatal nak tenyeh dan menghabiskan kuota wifi sdn.bhd yang tak seberapa tu T___T . Dekat kamsis penuh kisah duka dan soram pulak tu . Punyalah roommates story tu lah ni lah dekat blok aku tu. Aku selamba badak gi layan kdrama sensorang duk katil tengah . Tak ke naya ? uuuuuu

  KDRAMA yang buat aku hampir dimarahi oleh roommates sebab berjaga IALAH.....

*Such a lovely kdrama poster*  Yang penting ada ZO IN SUNG !!! K

Ber genre : Romance , Drama , Comedy , Medical drama .
Jumlah Episod : 16 episod

 Kenapa aku cakap best ? Comedy kut . Lagi lagi Gong hyo jin yang lakonkan watak heroin memang superb lah. Barisan pelakon dia pun dah daebakk sesangat !!

                                                         Credit to : drama.go
*Cool gila In Sung . Tapi gambar yang ni aku pokuskan kepada kwang soo sebab haha lawak kut dia ada misai . *

Jang Jae-yeol is a writer of bestselling mystery novels and a radio DJ. Playful and a bit arrogant, he also suffers from obsessive–compulsive disorder. Ji Hae-soo is a psychiatrist on her first year of fellowship. Driven and ambitious with her career yet compassionate towards her patients, Hae-soo has a negative attitude towards love and relationships in her personal life. Once Jae-yeol and Hae-soo meet, there is much contention between them caused by their strong personalities and refusal to give in to each other. But slowly their bickering turns into love and they begin to learn how compatible they are. Jae-yeol and Hae-soo attempt to heal each other's deep-seated wounds, but their fledgling relationship takes a blow when they learn that Jae-yeol's mental health issues are more serious than they initially suspected
                           Nah malas nak membebel . Baca dalam ENG nawhh . Cr:Wikipedia
Sebenarnya pelakon yang buat aku nak layan drama ni adalah GONG HYO JIN dan mestilah abam ziraffe kita KWANG SOO. Disebabkan pengaruh hyo jin tu kuat dari drama THE MASTER SUN tu aku percaya drama ni mesti daebakk. 

 Ending dia macam biasalah mesti happy ending . Jae yeol akhirnya bersama hae soo selepas dipisahkan setahun jauhnya . So aku memang recommend lah drama ni .

Link for episodes Its okay thats love . its okay thats love .Happy watching :D


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